Smell the flowers

Smell the flowers

Day One #LiveMoreChallenge

Smell the flowers and affirm how amazing you are!

This is an interesting day – June 6, 2016. It started out with my 20 minute venture over to my Chiropractor. Yes, I am still plotting my “Overhaul” and have recently asked for outside help. On the way to the doctor’s,  I listened to Zach Spuckler’s Podcast as he was interviewing Jadah Sellner. She is the co-founder of with Jen Hansard.

Excellent interview and so the roller coaster began. I went to check out Jadah Sellner’s website which led me to the Instagram page. From there I went to the website and low and behold there is a Live More Challenge that started today of all days. Guess what I did? Yes, I signed up. I love challenges.

What was interesting about this day is that on my way home from the doctor’s office, I stopped in for some groceries and decided that I deserved some flowers today. (and the rest of my family too) It was after that I went on my internet ride to the various sites mentioned above that I signed up for the #LiveMoreChallenge.

The very first challenge is to go buy yourself some flowers. Awesome! I was in the game 🙂

Now this is odd – Simple Green Smoothies on Instagram has a link to in their profile. I actually thought I was going to be going to the website but perhaps they will reinstate their own link before July 1st. I say this because I manually went looking for it and found out the next 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge starts July first.

~ Seann Vinyasa-Billson

Whose life are you living?

Whose life are you living?

Whose life are you living


This is a hot topic if you ask me. “Whose life are you living?” We seem to be influenced by others or society. Short discussion here on what I think about it.

In the podcast, I mention that I learned that we cut the invisible umbilical cord with our parents (mainly our mothers) when we are about 28 years old on average) That is when people start feeling more like adults and not needing permission from others when making decisions. I thought I learned this in University but Dr. Christiane Northrup’s name is popping into my mind right now as relevant here too.

It was neat talking about this topic as it also made me think of what I actually learned at University. One thing for sure was how to understand the questions you were being asked. Really taking the time to look at a question and make sure what was being asked was crystal clear and not what I thought the question was at quick glance.


Book Highlight – Order this book and then get involved in the series. You have a chance to receive an Ipad Mini if your chapter/character submission is accepted.

NY Times Best Selling Author Peggy McColl wrote the forward and has this to say ~ This is a fast paced novel for a reader looking for entertainment. Be prepared to fall in love with the characters and feel joy, suspense, sadness and excitement all in one sitting.”

See Being There Awakenings for details.


Seann Vinyasa-Billson




Interested in an Intuitive Reading?

Testimonial by Petra Ortiz!

Seann did a wonderful helpful reading for me recently…

I read and re-read it to make sure that I don’t miss any opportunities that she mentioned were coming my way.

At one point she told me she saw me setting up a video camera as if I was going to record myself-and that she saw a telescope next to me on a table. [I am totally not into recording myself nor do I produce ‘headshot’ videos of myself so when I read this in her detailed report I sort of gasped and laughed in disbelief]. Well two days later, I was asked by a new client to create a ‘how-to {use}’ product video recording myself using one of their products.

I later found out that the product they have sent for me to create the video with is a [beautiful wooden old-fashioned style] telescope. The name of the product includes the word spyglass and when in her report she mentioned that she heard/recalled Mickey Mouse on audio from long ago…I figured it out later it may have been because of ‘Spyglass’ Entertainment [which is somewhat affiliated with Walt Disney].

She also mentioned excitement and an increase of energy for me around writing children’s stories. I have authored two children’s books under a pen name; But reading about her excitement and energy for me in children’s books I decided to take someone up on an offer for children’s stories to publish just today.

She also gave me some advice on certain relationships in my life at the moment; and I felt that I knew exactly who she was referring to-so I will also gladly take her advice on those matters.

Thanks so much for your glorious insight Seann. 🙂

Visit my INTUITIVE READINGS page to order today!

Improving my vision naturally – Part One

Improving my vision naturally – Part One


Who gave me the radical idea of ditching my glasses? The late Dr. David Hawkins from his book “Letting Go”. Within 6 weeks he had 20/20 vision. He had just been prescribed trifocals when he took off his glasses and let his eyes work for themselves.

Now if I had followed what he did exactly, I may have had more success with my left eye but I couldn’t stop the binge viewing on Netflix. The binge viewing happened on my phone because that is the only place I could see my shows clearly. My shows of choice at the moment are “Nashville” and “Suits”. I did watch some shows with my husband on the TV but they were blurry and I had to pull the chair closer. The exact thing you tell your children not to do because they will ruin their eyes.


The question has probably come up in your mind as to why only the left eye with this experiment? Well…I had an issue with Retinal Detachment back in 1991. I did not know my retina had detached. I thought the feeling of something being in my eye was from my contact lens. When I went to see my Optometrist, he was really upset with me and asked, “If you had a heart attack, would you go to Emergency?” In all honesty, I do not know. The reason being –  what if I didn’t recognize I was having a heart attack?

Moving on, my Optometrist sent me to the Emergency room which resulted in many doctors in training looking at my eyes because one of them didn’t react to the light quickly. I would imagine it was because the retina was detached and half my vision was gone by that time. It was like a diagonal black curtain had been pulled over half of my eye.

In this journey, I will continue to improve my health with vitamins and exercise and as I come across great information I will share it here.

How I wish I could say I improved my vision greatly. I did see some changes for the better though. As usual, I took my desire to my dream state and was shown that the Rapid Eye Technology would help. There have been a couple of times in my life that were “traumatic” (one could say) and those painful experiences gotta go. If they are completely released from my system, then I will be able to see better. The only one I recall seeing in the dream was about when I was left alone to be a single parent without any warning. Perhaps as I clear that one, whatever else is there will be shown to me.

Here is a demonstration I found on YouTube!


Seann Vinyasa-Billson

Overhauling Seann – The Hair has it!

Overhauling Seann – The Hair has it!

Avocado Hair Pic May 16 2015

Today’s Facebook Post on Dream The Answer :

Does anyone ever post a bad picture of themselves? I am starting an “Overhaul of Seann” as my mother would say. (In my hair is avocado, lemon juice and olive oil) Tonight I am starting a series of postings on my main site -dreamtheanswer – called “Overhauling Seann” and subheading (Such as EYESIGHT for example) These will be candid postings. In other words, what you see is what you get. – Authentically yours, Seann Vinyasa-Billson

I found the recipe to put in my hair via Pinterest. Here is the Pin on my Beauty and Fashion Board. It is one avocado, 1/4 cup of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. I must say my hair felt decidedly different. My daughter asked me if I had dyed my hair after all was said and done. My hair felt thicker. I shampooed it twice to make sure I removed it all and I put some conditioner on the ends because that is what I do.

One word of caution though. It stinks somewhat. I think the next time, I might add some lemon oil to it also.

Now I said I would be candid so here goes – My hair has been falling out a lot since January of this year. I have a colour stick to camouflage my troubles. It started when I added wheat, dairy and corn & caffeine back into my eating plan. hmmm…. I believe it slows down my metabolism and gives me bowel issues such as constipation one day and loose bowels the next. I heard recently that if you have troubles with your thyroid, then stop all wheat, dairy and corn.

When I did stop in December of 2014 (yes over the holidays), I lost 10 lbs and have managed to maintain that weight loss. However, I have 65 lbs more to go so I best go back to what was working. Monday it is! I say that because I want to have popcorn one last time and to have cream in my coffee tomorrow. This doesn’t mean I won’t ever have popcorn or cream in my coffee again…It is a lifestyle change for the most part.

Announcement! This “Overhaul of Seann Series” is about way more than hair. As mentioned above, I am gearing up for a radical natural cure for healing my eyesight. I have already started the process with intense antioxidants and wearing an old pair of glasses a few hours a day. My plan is to be able to switch to them by the end of next week. More about this process in a future post.

Happy Hair Day!

🙂 Seann Vinyasa-Billson, GYST

PS – GYST: Get your shit together