Spiritual Journeys with Gail Thackray

Spiritual Journeys with Gail Thackray

#LiveMoreChallenge Day 7

Day 7 has me at a coffee shop reading

(and YES – wearing lipstick!)

I am taking part in the Live More Challenge. (This is an evergreen sign up so check it out)It really makes you stop and do some nice things for yourself. What is really intriguing to me is reading the stories of other women on the same journey. Zip on over to sarahjenks.com and check out what she is doing to empower women and assist with weight loss. #LiveMoreChallenge

Day 7 has been a real treat for me. Right up my alley – so to speak.

Amazon     Amazon.ca

Normally on a Saturday morning, I will take some time for myself and venture out to a coffee shop to have what is called a CEO DATE. This nickname is courtesy of Rachael Cook of firedupandfocused.com She runs a challenge that increases productivity for entrepreneurs. The challenge is 21 days and it is one you don’t want to end! [Update Jan 29, 2018 – Rachael has a new challenge on her site now called Live More Challenge for 10 days]

Okay so back to today. I followed the challenge of taking myself out to a coffee shop and reading for 30 minutes. (or you could do more) I am reading Gail Thackray’s Spiritual Journey’s. Awesome! It is difficult to put down and I managed to squeeze in another half an hour this afternoon after our (partial) family picnic at Kildonan Park in Winnipeg. It was only 3 out of 4 of us today for the family picnic. The oldest child is now an adult and working and cannot come on all the family outings anymore. Waaaaa….

Amazon     Amazon.ca

From the book description – “Experience miraculous healer, John of God, as seen through the eyes of medium Gail Thackray who sees, feels, and hears things that most “normal” people do not. Follow Gail on her personal journey to the spiritual healing center of John of God in Brazil. Experience miraculous healings, supernatural activity, and astonishing psychic events.” (Note: I can relate to Gail as I to see, feel and hear things too)

Here is a picture of The Witch’s Hut we visited at Kildonan Park.

Witch's Hut at Kildonan Park Winnipeg

Continuing on my journey of overhauling myself in all areas of my life…

Funny thing about words… I call this the Overhauling Seann Series as I grew up hearing my mother say she was going to go “Overhaul Darlene”. My son James started “flapping his gums” to his father when he returned home about how he was making a “racket”. Glen, my husband, thought it was odd that he was using the word racket. I didn’t even realize I had been telling James that he was “making a racket”. It was an automatic response about unnecessary noise. (a drum against a dessert tin) Totally unnecessary! lol 🙂

~ Seann Vinyasa-Billson

Smell the flowers

Smell the flowers

Day One #LiveMoreChallenge

Smell the flowers and affirm how amazing you are!

This is an interesting day – June 6, 2016. It started out with my 20 minute venture over to my Chiropractor. Yes, I am still plotting my “Overhaul” and have recently asked for outside help. On the way to the doctor’s,  I listened to Zach Spuckler’s Podcast as he was interviewing Jadah Sellner. She is the co-founder of simplegreensmoothies.com with Jen Hansard.

Excellent interview and so the roller coaster began. I went to check out Jadah Sellner’s website which led me to the Instagram page. From there I went to the website sarahjenks.com/challenge and low and behold there is a Live More Challenge that started today of all days. Guess what I did? Yes, I signed up. I love challenges.

What was interesting about this day is that on my way home from the doctor’s office, I stopped in for some groceries and decided that I deserved some flowers today. (and the rest of my family too) It was after that I went on my internet ride to the various sites mentioned above that I signed up for the #LiveMoreChallenge.

The very first challenge is to go buy yourself some flowers. Awesome! I was in the game 🙂

Now this is odd – Simple Green Smoothies on Instagram has a link to sarahjenks.com in their profile. I actually thought I was going to be going to the simplegreensmoothies.com website but perhaps they will reinstate their own link before July 1st. I say this because I manually went looking for it and found out the next 30-Day Green Smoothie Challenge starts July first.

~ Seann Vinyasa-Billson