You can predict by doing this…

You can predict by doing this…

wedding headshot

There is ONE THING I have learned that guides me in all my decisions involving other people.

I wish I could remember how I learned this and from whom. Perhaps it was from experience. However, I really think it was also from an assortment of teachers along the way.

Here is the truth: Find out how someone THINKS and you can predict what they are going to do.

For example: When a woman complains that she does not know if her partner is agreeable to having children – all she has to do is find out how he thinks.

She does this by “listening” to him. What is he really saying?

If he has said he never wants to have children then you know he is not going to unless he is inspired to change how he “thinks”. I use this as an example because this is the challenge I faced with my husband.

The story goes…when we were first together in 1990, he made it perfectly clear that he never wanted to be married or have children. Needless to say, we broke up because of this. Flash forward to the year 2007. We reunited and he changed his mind about marriage and children. I do believe that my talk with him about a person’s “Identity” helped with the change though.

One day I asked him if he had not been promoted at his place of employment, would he have remained there or looked for something else. He said he would have looked for something else. I explained to him… “that is because you see yourself in a higher position. That is part of your identity.”

Here’s the key that unlocked the door. I looked at him and said, “I am a mother.” A knowing came over his face and I knew something clicked. We were married in 2009 and had our son in 2010. My husband Glen also took over the role of being the father to my daughter, who was 12 at the time we got back together.

Remember: Find out how someone THINKS and you can predict what they are going to do.


Seann Vinyasa-Billson

Subjective Communication

Subjective Communication

How to influence others in a loving, helpful way for everyone concerned.

It is time to bring in the power of subjective communication.

First off, objective communication is talking to someone in real time – face to face. You find yourself  trying to get them to understand you and they are not. It is very frustrating as they do not seem to be listening either and you may as well be talking to a wall (:

Subjective Communication is when you communicate mind to mind only. There is no verbal exchange.


Now, here’s what you do:

  • You relax yourself and visualize the person you wish to communicate with in your mind. Choose a habit they have  such as drinking something, smoking, chewing their nails, playing with their hair etc..
  • Visualize yourself getting in behind them and whispering into one of their ears. (I always choose the left ear because it goes to the right side of their brain, which is more open/creative. The left side is analytical) The habit I will choose is drinking something.
  • Picture this – You are in behind them watching them bring the cup to their mouth. As soon as the liquid hits their tongue you whisper in their ear. They will get this communication. I’ve done this many times to help people quit smoking, love themselves more, get money that is owed to you etc…
  • What do you whisper in their ear? Something such as “I am open to understanding…” or “I love myself. My body is my temple.” If you desire a romantic relationship with a certain person, then say, “I am open to going on a date with _______.” (Fill in your name)

The most important thing is to remember it has to be for the highest good of everyone concerned.

When my employer in Japan owed me $4000.00 and I had come back to Canada already, I sent him double whammy messages because he smoked and drank lots of coffee.

My whispers to him were, “It makes me feel good to pay my bills.” and “I am open to paying my debts.” This way it included and benefited everyone he owed money too.  I received payments and within four months his debt to me was paid in full.

I’ve sent people messages like, “I love myself and I respect myself.” This is to help overcome an abusive situation or to quit smoking in which they are abusing themselves.

When you send someone loving messages it is a form of prayer – a spiritual connection. A person who does not love himself or herself enough and does not feel they are worthy will  be practicing self- sabotage. They may seem to turn around for a while but it really has to come from within. You are helping them because hopefully the positive loving thoughts you send them will assist in reprogramming the way they think.

After all, people act on what they think about all day long.

I wanted to show my brother Ryan how this works so one day I announced that I would help out a friend he worked with. I said I would help him quit smoking by whispering to him (mind to mind) for 5 days straight. Boldly I insisted that his friend would announce that he was quitting smoking and attempt to do so. (For how long one never knows) Ryan was beside himself in amazement. On the second day, he told me his friend had said he was quitting smoking and stopped. Unfortunately, he started again and I am not sure if he tried quitting again or not.

The best example that I know of to explain this way of communicating and how it really works is by an experience one of my Japanese friends had with this technique. I shall call her Naomi to protect her identity.  She was in her late 20’s and her parents had men coming to the door with resumes with the purpose of arranging a marriage.

Naomi was forced to go on dates with these men. In the meantime, her Korean boyfriend lived in the States as he was attending University. She could not seem to convince her parents that this was a serious relationship and she wanted to marry him.

One evening she came to my apartment and told me what was happening and asked if she could call her boyfriend from my home. She needed the privacy as she lived with her parents. After her phone call, I explained to her what I had  just learned about “subjective communication”. My parents had sent me the Silva Method cassette tapes by mail and I had only listened to them.  There had not been the time to put anything I learned to practice yet. I did not know if it would work but it was worth a try. Naomi thought so too!

I educated her the best I could of the do’s and do nots (as listed above)  so when she was home all  weekend  she did not mention her boyfriends name once. I will call him Kim as that is a popular Korean name. Naomi’s dad smoked and drank coffee so he was double whammied with her messages.

Naomi whispered subjectively in his ear, “I am open to meeting Kim.” (over and over again she sent the message for two days) She knew that if her father met him, he would love him as Kim was fluent in Japanese for starters.

Sure enough, on Monday morning as Naomi was leaving home to go to work, her dad called her in to the family room. He said he was open to meeting Kim and asked her to invite him to Japan to meet them as soon as possible. He flew over immediately and they were married one month later. I am happy to say this is giving me an incredible adrenaline rush retelling this true story! I also was invited to the wedding. It was a blast!!

~ Seann Vinyasa-Billson

Update: If you are wanting to learn about the Silva Method, Laura Silva Quesada offers TEN FREE meditations on her site. Laura is the daughter of Jose Silva (the founder of The Silva Method)  Note: There is no affiliation with her website. I am simply wanting to share what I know works really well 🙂

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