Taking a picture of my future

Taking a picture of my future

A significant dream:

I found myself in our new home. (This hasn’t happened yet)

It was an older home with an attic, old wood. Somewhat renovated. I was in the bathroom on the second floor and it was small with an old tub that has legs. (It was a replica of an old tub)

A small window. I can still see it. So… I thought I would take a pictures of this bathroom with my phone but the phone would not pick up the future I was in. It was so frustrating!

There is an upside to having astral dream experiences like this though. When it happens in real life, I will recognize the house we plan to purchase.

It is a way of taking a picture of your future. Often, the insights into your life are given to me in pictures. It is like playing charades. Then you and I have to interpret the download from spirit.

We all have insights. Our intuition is speaking to us all the time. But…if you are anything like me, you like to get someone else’s take. Preferably someone who is a lightworker and kind and true.

Right now, I am back on the board to offer a quick hit reading. Lots of helpful information can come through in a very short period of time. That is why I like to do audio readings. You get more!

Not only that but there is something happening that you may be unaware of. Drum roll…

I connect with my higher self and spirit guides and I call in my trusted Lollipop Angels (nicknamed) Then, I connect with your higher self and spirit guides and information is transferred.

How is this relevant?

You feel it! You feel the connection with that part of yourself that you may have been out of touch with for a time. It is a reboot.

PS ~ This is how meditation works. It connects you with Divine Wisdom and a higher part of yourself.

I invite you to have a psychic reading with me.

 Book A Reading

Dream The Answer Paperback Journal

Dream The Answer Paperback Journal

Dreams allow us to see the coming attractions of our lives!

By taking the time to write down your dreams, you are signalling to your subconscious mind to give you more guidance. Know that you are the best interpreter of your dreams.

As you record your dreams and interpretations into your Dream The Answer Journal, insights will be revealed. Many “ah ha” moments can happen when you take the time to write things down.

Ideas for using this journal:

  • Pose a question to yourself, allow a daydream to arrive and then record it
  • Write down your goals and any thoughts / intuitions around that
  • Gather together your stickers and washi tapes and decorate as you go
  • A dream diary – write down your dreams and then your interpretation
  • Use some Stick-On Index Tab Dividers for each section you create.

Available in hardcover also. See photos below.

Seann’s Corner
Copyright © 2024 Dream The Answer

Fascinated by Atlantis

Fascinated by Atlantis

My experience on how I astral travelled during a waking meditation.

[From: April 27, 2017] – I decided to do a meditation sitting up on the couch. My intention was to meditate myself into an astral travel experience. I didn’t want to listen to an mp3 and fall asleep. Before starting the process, I asked Divine Guidance for answers about better health and getting my projects completed and out there. Notice in the dream diary entry that follows – when I get connected to my higher self and start to astral travel, I changed gears about what I wanted to know quickly. LOL

This is what I wrote in my dream diary about the experience:

Somehow, calling in assistance, I found myself saying, “Please come through me and help me find the answers I am looking for.” (The answers I wanted were about – Guidance for health & for getting my projects completed and out there)

Suddenly I found myself hearing this woman’s voice from behind my head and she whooshed into me it seemed. This sound came out of me and I thought I was speaking out loud in a foreign language. It was weird. She picked a part of my essence up (I remained in a sitting position) and she told me I needed to be using the colours red and orange to help myself. I think it was more orange than red.

I had a distinct awareness that I could travel and I hoped no one called or texted because that would pull me back fully into my body. I asked to go to Atlantis. I did feel sick to my stomach in parts. Felt like we flew straight east and over the ocean. I could see red buildings or red roofs on the buildings as we left Canada. Finally landed and I saw a brick building, then a school yard with a clay structure. When I first landed, the wind seemed to have a blue colour. I stood up when we landed to look around. I had flown over the ocean in a sitting position.

Then it seemed to me as I looked around that it was way too much like what a “Spanish” area would look like now. I saw a flat roofed building with the word “Ford” on it. Not splashy and big like it is in North America. Then I saw the woman and she was fixated on something. Older with shorter blonde hair. Wondered if she was me in another existence or a higher part of me. I wondered if I had been an eccentric lady in Atlantis. I asked her why she hadn’t taken me to the real Atlantis from a long time ago. (Felt like 3000 years ago) and she said, “Because if you went there you wouldn’t want to come back.”

Then I found myself sitting in what looked to be a waiting room but 70’s style. There was a square window opening into another space across the room from me. I looked over at it and couldn’t believe my eyes. There were three people there who had passed away. One was Sonny Bono who said hi to me. Then my awareness turned back into a dream. I had finally fallen asleep and yes I was still sitting up on the couch.


My takeaway:

  • I asked the Divine to take me to Atlantis and I did not doubt my ability to do so
  • Why did I shift to wanting to know about Atlantis instead of better health and completing projects? However, this experience did help me finish re-mastering my fiction book –
    Bewitched by Atlantis: The Butterfly Mask
  • The orange and red colours are associated with the first two chakras. Perhaps it takes a combination of firing up these two chakras to astral travel.
  • This experience shows me that parts of Atlantis have risen again (The present day Canary Islands)
  • Next time I attempt this, I will be more specific and promise to return to my body. (If I am allowed to travel back in time to the original Atlantis)
  • And…next time I attempt this process, I will record myself so that if anything comes out of my mouth like last time, maybe I will be able to make sense of it.

Now the question remains…why have I not attempted to do this again? Because it rattled me. I asked for my higher self/spirit guides to come through me. And it happened. I have been doing safe meditations and self-hypnosis since then. Now it is time to do this again. There’s a whole world out there to explore.

~ Seann Vinyasa-Billson