When writing about one of the main characters (Connie Stone) in Bewitched by Atlantis: The Butterfly Mask – an amazing idea flowed in. I had trouble containing my excitement as I wrote about it. Here it is!

Use these divination tools to assist you in planning your novel.

  • Use Oracle, Tarot or regular playing cards to create characters and scenes
  • Create card layouts (an example layout for each card placement – see diagram below)
  • Create character sheets to fill in
  • Shuffle the cards and choose according to your template(s)
  • Write down or record via audio/video what you have discovered
  • Repeat as many times as you like

Note: As you do this, more questions will arise that you will want answers too. For example, I may have chosen a card that shows me that my character has addiction issues. I then want to know the cause of the issue. The next card chosen reveals the core issue as abandonment.



This short-read eBook provides you with the tools to create unique fiction books quickly.

 The Book Game Plan: How to Write Fiction the Paranormal Way

  • Delve into The Psychic Jump Meditation to get immediate guidance. (The transcript is at the back of the book)
  • Set up your writing space by having a ritual to signal that you are ready to write.