Jackie Collins – A psychic woman

Jackie Collins – A psychic woman

Jackie Collins – A psychic woman. A powerhouse writer who was appalled by the double standard and fought back with her novels.

May Jackie Collins be joyous in her adventures on the other side. I had heard she passed away in September 2015 and was reminded of her brilliance while watching a show we have in Canada called “Unscripted”. What a powerhouse! This woman exuded excitement and joy. Jackie was thrilled about her life and very passionate about her writing.

In the interview, she revealed that she was intuitive. (or you could call her psychic) she said. I am not surprised by this. With the kind of success she had, it makes sense she followed the divine guidance she was given. Important point here though – she followed the nudges to complete The World is Full of Married Men from her husband and then followed through by submitting it for publication. She had the intuition and nudge to write. She knew she was a writer and she wrote. I think she was sent a divine intervention by way of her husband to get her on track with her life purpose. Not only to write but to share it with the world.

What I love about Jackie Collins is her kick butt attitude about the double standard. She fought back against it with her stories. She wrote stories of women who were powerful in their own right and did not settle for the double standard.

Jackie gave some writing advice also.  WRITE. She would set herself up with a ritual and take away distractions. I like how she would write on a legal pad of paper with a fine point black pen. All of her books were written in long hand. I have heard the late Dr. Wayne Dyer speak of this too. He wrote in long hand.

I am writing my books in long hand because I can write freely and I keep going. It seems to me that this is also a better form of channelling what is coming to me. The ideas I have.

Mistakes do not slow me down, set me back or stop me. However, typing does. I type fast but I also correct myself as I go.

So check out the book that was banned in some countries when it was published in 1968. (the year I was born)

Blessings! Seann Vinyasa-Billson

Note: Had some technical issues yesterday  had to re-do it. So if you are seeing this again, now you know why. My oh my! All fixed now 🙂

The World is Full of Married Men by Jackie Collins #doublestandard

Book Description: The World is Full of Married Men

Sex, lies, infidelity and consequences…

Only fools let a little thing like marriage get in the way of their careers…

Especially someone else’s.

David Cooper cheats on his wife. She doesn’t cheat — and that suits him fine. Until the young and beautiful Claudia appears and David wants out of his marriage. But Claudia has different ideas — different dreams: To be a model, an actress, a star. And she’ll do anything to make it. Just name a price…

THE WORLD IS FULL OF MARRIED MEN is a devastating exposure of the cutthroat media business — the phony promises and the very real power of the casting couch.