Avocado Hair Pic May 16 2015

Today’s Facebook Post on Dream The Answer :

Does anyone ever post a bad picture of themselves? I am starting an “Overhaul of Seann” as my mother would say. (In my hair is avocado, lemon juice and olive oil) Tonight I am starting a series of postings on my main site -dreamtheanswer – called “Overhauling Seann” and subheading (Such as EYESIGHT for example) These will be candid postings. In other words, what you see is what you get. – Authentically yours, Seann Vinyasa-Billson

I found the recipe to put in my hair via Pinterest. Here is the Pin on my Beauty and Fashion Board. It is one avocado, 1/4 cup of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. I must say my hair felt decidedly different. My daughter asked me if I had dyed my hair after all was said and done. My hair felt thicker. I shampooed it twice to make sure I removed it all and I put some conditioner on the ends because that is what I do.

One word of caution though. It stinks somewhat. I think the next time, I might add some lemon oil to it also.

Now I said I would be candid so here goes – My hair has been falling out a lot since January of this year. I have a colour stick to camouflage my troubles. It started when I added wheat, dairy and corn & caffeine back into my eating plan. hmmm…. I believe it slows down my metabolism and gives me bowel issues such as constipation one day and loose bowels the next. I heard recently that if you have troubles with your thyroid, then stop all wheat, dairy and corn.

When I did stop in December of 2014 (yes over the holidays), I lost 10 lbs and have managed to maintain that weight loss. However, I have 65 lbs more to go so I best go back to what was working. Monday it is! I say that because I want to have popcorn one last time and to have cream in my coffee tomorrow. This doesn’t mean I won’t ever have popcorn or cream in my coffee again…It is a lifestyle change for the most part.

Announcement! This “Overhaul of Seann Series” is about way more than hair. As mentioned above, I am gearing up for a radical natural cure for healing my eyesight. I have already started the process with intense antioxidants and wearing an old pair of glasses a few hours a day. My plan is to be able to switch to them by the end of next week. More about this process in a future post.

Happy Hair Day!

🙂 Seann Vinyasa-Billson, GYST

PS – GYST: Get your shit together