Taking a picture of my future

Taking a picture of my future

A significant dream: I found myself in our new home. (This hasn't happened yet) It was an older home with an attic, old wood. Somewhat renovated. I was in the bathroom on the second floor and it was small with an old tub that has legs. (It was a replica of an old tub)...

Dream The Answer Paperback Journal

Dream The Answer Paperback Journal

Dreams allow us to see the coming attractions of our lives!By taking the time to write down your dreams, you are signalling to your subconscious mind to give you more guidance. Know that you are the best interpreter of your dreams. As you record your dreams and...

You are to write a book

You are to write a book

Imagine standing in your kitchen and hearing, “You are to write a book. It is called ‘Dream the Answer’. There was no one in the room with me. The year was 2001. This was clearly a clairaudient experience (inner hearing) and my reaction was one of excitement and...

Unpack Your Feelings

Unpack Your Feelings

Titles just come to me and I have the Google Keep app that keeps track of these spiritual downloads. The one I grabbed from the list - Unpack Your Feelings -  fits what I want to say today. Typically this is how I speak to myself in a Dream Diary entry so I created a...

Fascinated by Atlantis

Fascinated by Atlantis

My experience on how I astral travelled during a waking meditation. [From: April 27, 2017] – I decided to do a meditation sitting up on the couch. My intention was to meditate myself into an astral travel experience. I didn’t want to listen to an mp3 and fall asleep....

Paranormal Fiction Writing

Paranormal Fiction Writing

When writing about one of the main characters (Connie Stone) in Bewitched by Atlantis: The Butterfly Mask - an amazing idea flowed in. I had trouble containing my excitement as I wrote about it. Here it is! Use these divination tools to assist you in planning your...